As down as I felt the first week this pandemic hit, as determined that I was when I shook it off and found ways to keep myself busy to survive that insecure feeling, that nervousness, – I afterwards found myself in a rollercoaster of activities, work and opportunities, making it impossible to sit down and write again. 

I am taking a break! I am tired. I am tired of Covid, I am tired of Covidiots*, I am tired of (certain) things not going the way I want them to go. I need a break. Normally, just like many Decembers, we would be traveling. This year we are staying home, confined as much as possible to our home. We will have a week where all of us will be off work and school and we will be together. Taking a very well deserved break.

When I started writing this little story,  I had no idea yet what the restrictions or call them protocols will be for New Year’s Eve and Day. Is that part of the New Normal?: No idea what will happen next week, let alone in a couple of weeks? 

Not knowing ‘what will happen next’ has been a challenge to plan things, schedule anything. But I’ve learned to work around it! 

Just like with Covid-19, there is no black and white. We still don’t know all we need to know about the virus, its prevention, its treatment and/or cure. So a lot of answers these days are: “we’ll see”, “I do hope so”, “let’s monitor the situation”. For now, I try to follow the protocols that are being suggested, advised and/or prescribed. And as soon as the vaccine is here, I will be standing in line to get it.

We are all wondering what 2021 will bring for us. Who would have thought what 2020 had in mind! And while we can list a whole lot of negative things that have happened during 2020 (pandemic, economic downturn, social unrest, -just to name a few), I am challenging you to reflect on the good things that happened during 2020, because reflection is an important part of how we rise to our potential. Taking time to review and reflect allows us to see things from a fresh perspective as well as gain valuable insights from our successes and challenges. Our ability to grow and change depends on how we are going to stop, think and take responsibility for that growth a/o change.

These are some questions you should end the year with:

  1. What are 5 great successes and miracles of 2020?
  2. What was your biggest challenge this year and what did it make you discover about yourself?
  3. What are some of the most joyful moments of 2020?
  4. What risks have you taken and what did they teach you?
  5. In what ways have you been of service to others?
  6. If you can resume 2020, how will your phrase look like? The year 2020 has been the year of ……………..
  7. Who are the 3 people in your life that you are most grateful for in 2020?
  8. Is there anyone you need to forgive?
  9. What are your greatest blessings of 2020?
  10. Name 3 things that you’ve learned in 2020! 

Moving forward to 2021: What is the greatest advise you can give yourself for 2021?

Take some time and reflect on these questions, show some gratitude and count your blessings instead of focusing on the things that did not go your way.

From the bottom of my heart, from my home to your home, I wish YOU reading this now, a Healthy, Safe and Prosperous New year! Prosperous, has never meant more to me than it does now. 

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” ~ Mary Oliver

** Covidiots are people that go against all advises, decisions and rules concerning Covid-19. People that put others at risk by being stubborn or thinking they are entitled to do whatever they want.

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