BY Nadine Willems-Antersijn

Are we ready?

I am thinking a lot about the ‘new normal’. And I am concerned. I think we are not ready for the ‘new normal’, or any

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The New Normal

Today it marks 51 days ago that our lives were turned upside down, inside out, for some like a monster roller coaster ride and for

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Feeling Blue

For those that know me longer than today, know that I am a happy person, always positive, will always find a good in a bad

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It’s been 7 weeks since The Much Anticipated 2020…. What are you doing differently than a couple of months ago? Or have you fallen into

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People in Leadership

My husband recently had a business trip to the beautiful island of Barbados. Now, that of course is not that interesting. What is, is that

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How to define success? I’ve been reading a lot of short articles lately, while I should be actually reading a book (or more books for

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